About East Bay Wraparound
The East Bay Wrap consists of 3 programs: San Mateo FSP – serves youth who live out of County but are dependents of San Mateo Court system. Youth are referred through San Mateo BHRS; Regional Center - program provides an array of support and assistance for youth with Intellectual Disabilities and their families. Referrals are made through the youth’s Regional Center of the East Bay Case Manager. The Alameda County FSP – serves youth aged 8-18 who have had significant mental health or school difficulties. Youth are not connected to child welfare or probation systems. AC referrals are made through ACCESS.
East Bay Wrap provides an array of clinical and non-clinical services in order to promote wellness, resilience and stability in the youth’s placement. Services include safety planning, behavioral intervention, family and individual coaching. The program provides resource linkage to natural and community-based supports, and assessment of family/youth needs in such areas as housing, vocational training, and education. Services are provided directly or engaged by program staff rather than brokered, as in a traditional case-management model. A central part of these services is the establishment of the Child and Family Team (CFT) to help guide our services and set family priorities.
For more information on the Fred Finch East Bay Wraparound Program, please contact Program Director Nicole Austin, LMFT at (510) 421-8430, or nicoleaustin@fredfinch.org