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Understanding & Addressing Development Trauma Using Energy Regulating Practices Day 2

Fri, Apr 23


Online Event

This training will be provided Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW & Kristin Miller, PhD. *This is a two-day training and attendance is required for both days.

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Understanding & Addressing Development Trauma Using Energy Regulating Practices Day 2
Understanding & Addressing Development Trauma Using Energy Regulating Practices Day 2

Time & Location

Apr 23, 2021, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Online Event

About the Event

Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW & Kristin Miller, PhD

*This is a two-day training and attendance is required for both days.  

Training Description

Before you can address larger scale traumas that impact system involved youth who are survivors of developmental trauma, they must be able to self-regulate their nervous system. Learn ways to help rebuild the nervous system and regulation system caused by repetitive lack of caregiver attunement, abuse and neglect for system involved youth who have experienced developmental trauma. Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology provide effective methods of self and co-regulation. To create a safe and effective environment for healing, provider’s nervous system must be regulated as they interact with system involved youth and families. 

In this course participants will learn to:

  • identify their own state of nervous system regulation
  • self-regulate in different situations
  • identify client’s dysregulation
  • co-regulate with clients
  • teach clients to regulate themselves

This course is highly experiential and participatory. As we will be focusing on teaching clients to be present and in their bodies, please plan to be present with your camera working for the whole time and have paper, writing instrument and colored pens, pencils or crayons available for self-reflection.

Learning Objective

  • Identify at least two differences between developmental trauma and psychological shock trauma seen in system involved youth:
  • Identify when they are in a calm, regulated state and when they are dysregulated.
  • Determine if a system involved client is dysregulated.
  • Determine which energy medicine or energy psychology method to use in at least 3 different situations for regulating the nervous system of system involved clients .
  • Use at least 4 techniques to self-regulate system involved youth and their families.
  • Teach at least 4 techniques to system involved clients so they can self-regulate


Day 2 

9:30am – 9:35am Grounding exercise

9:35am – 10:05am Check in

10:05am – 11:00am Didactic

11:00am – 11:15am BREAK (CEUs will not be issued for this time)

11:15am – 12:45am Didactic

12:45pm – 1:15pm LUNCH (CEUs will not be issued for this time)

1:15pm – 3:00pm Didactic

3:00pm – 3:15pm BREAK (CEUs will not be issued for this time)

3:15pm – 4:00pm Case Integration

4:00pm – 4:30pm Case Integration

4:30pm Adjourn

Meet Our Trainers

Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW, DCEP, is a clinical social worker who has worked in HMOs, public agencies, and private practice as both a mental-health provider and a supervisor for over thirty years. She has taught courses in vicarious traumatization, energy psychology, trauma informed care, DSM-5, clinical supervision, law and ethics, childhood psychopathology and time management, at universities, conferences, and mental-health agencies. Rachel is the Chair of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology’s Humanitarian Committee.

Kristin Miller, Ph.D., Psychologist, DCEP, TFT and TTT Humanitarian Trainer, specializes in the treatment of developmental inter-generational trauma. She has developed Emotional First Aid materials and training through the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology’s Humanitarian Committee and is involved in community trauma management programs through the ACE’s Program and Shasta County Wellness Program.

Day 2 of this course meets the qualifications for (6.0) BBS CEUs for LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences & is provided by Fred Finch Youth Center, CAMFT Provider #045295.

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