Culturally Responsive Practices that Support Emotional Health for African American System Involved Youth
Mon, Aug 15
|Online Event
Waynette Brock and Marilyn Pierce

Time & Location
Aug 15, 2022, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT
Online Event
About the Event
Waynette Brock and Marilyn Pierce
Training Description
System involved African American youth who live in out of home care not only bear the burden of their difficult familial circumstances, but they also experience the weight of being subjected to cultural biases that existed long before they entered this world. In this interactive training, participants will examine, discuss, and challenge issues related to cultural differences; consider the difference between being culturally sensitive and culturally responsive; learn techniques, strategies and tools that will support them as they continue to actively challenge previously unknown micro-aggressive attitudes/behaviors; and explore ways to abandon thoughts and actions that interfere with endeavors to provide support to foster care and juvenile justice involved youth that improves their outcomes.
Learning Objective
· Participants will learn the difference between cultural competency, cultural sensitivity, and cultural responsiveness.
· Participants will learn the importance of self-reflection when supporting African American system involved youth.
· Participants will learn 3 strategies for personal wellness as they commit to the task of dismantling microaggressions within their efforts to support African American system involved youth.
11:00-11:30am  Welcome, Housekeeping, Agenda Review, Create Supportive Learning Environment
11:30am-1:00pm  Group Activity  Exploring the difference between Cultural competency, sensitivity, & responsiveness
1:00-1:15pm  BREAK (CEUs will not be offered for this time)
1:15-2:00pm  How Microaggressions show their ugly head in our work with African American youth
2:00-2:45pm  Group Activity: Fostering Self-Awareness around the use of language; explore ways to abandon thoughts and actions that interfere with endeavors to provide supportive care
2:45-3:45pm  Group Activity: How to Take Care of Ourselves while we work to provide care for system involved youth
3:45-4:00pm  Debrief, Written Evaluation, Close
Meet Our Trainers
Waynette Brock has lead peer teams focusing on high risk individuals and underserved populations such as those that are incarcerated, individuals seeking recovery from substance use disorder, and those with life threatening illnesses, as well as anyone who wants to make positive life changes. Waynette lives in Northern California and is the National Trainer for the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery.
This course meets the qualifications for (4.75) BBS CEUs for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs, and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences & is provided by Fred Finch Youth Center, CAMFT Provider #045295.