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Xenogenders, Neurogenders, & the Intersection of Neurodiversity & Identity Among System-Involved Youth

Thu, Nov 30


Online Event

Kelsey Pacha

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Xenogenders, Neurogenders, & the Intersection of Neurodiversity & Identity Among System-Involved Youth
Xenogenders, Neurogenders, & the Intersection of Neurodiversity & Identity Among System-Involved Youth

Time & Location

Nov 30, 2023, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST

Online Event

About the Event

Kelsey Pacha

Training Description

This course supports those who support system involved youth in deepening their understanding of how young people are understanding the deep intersections between their neurodiversity & their gender identities, with xenogenders and neurogenders as prominent examples of terms used to describe the ways one’s perception of the world shapes one’s perception of self. Xenogender and neurogender are two “microlabels” individuals use to articulate how their gender identities are inextricably tied to & shaped by other identities, in this case ability. It is imperative for those who support and/or serve system involved youth to understand possible etiology, common experiences, & best practices in working with youth, caregivers, & colleagues who hold these intersectional identities. Through reviewing research, group discussion, multimedia, and small group case study, individuals will become familiar with the most up-to-date terms and leave empowered with best practices to use with xenogender & neurogender clients.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

1. Explain the terms neurogender & xenogender;

2. Acquire 4 information about research studies related to neurodiverse LGBTQ & xenogender system involved youth.

3. Identify four best practices to support neurodiverse LGBTQ & xenogender system involved youth, their families, & other providers.


1:00-2:00pm Introductions, community agreements, objectives. Define neurodiversity & identify five examples of neurodiversity. Review the three dimensions of sexuality and three dimensions of gender frameworks. Define neurodiversity and explore ways this concept is used to label system-involved youth. Define neurogender & xenogender.

2:00-2:45pm Review two videos of first-person perspectives on xenogenders & neurogenders. Small & large group discussion: how do the individuals describe the relationship between their neurodiversity & their gender(s)? How do each person’s intersectional identities, especially race, impact their experience & articulation of these relationships?

2:45-3:00pm Break (CE hours will not be offered for this time)

3:00-4:00pm Review four research studies related to neurodiverse LGBTQ & xenogender youth. Identify four best practices to support neurodiverse LGBTQ & xenogender youth, their families, & other providers. Review online & local resources.

4:00-5:00pm Case study in small groups. Questions & Answers, Wrap-Up

Meet Our Trainer

Kelsey Pacha, MA, M.Div. is a trans man who has worked with marginalized communities for 15+ years in a variety of settings. He holds a Master of Religion and Psychology, Master of Divinity, and Certificate of Sexuality and Religion from Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Psychological Services from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. He is the owner of Kelsey Pacha Consulting, which supports the work of institutions and individuals in increasing their capacity for cultural humility and social justice-informed institutional change. Kelsey offers educational trainings and LGBTQ workplace policy expertise with an emphasis on practical skills, identity awareness, and personal empowerment. He regularly works with corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion officers and LGBTQ affinity groups, as well as legal, clinical, medical, and direct service (including child welfare and faith leader) personnel. 

This course meets the qualifications for (3.75) BBS CE hours for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs, and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences & is provided by Fred Finch Youth Center, CAMFT Provider #045295.

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