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Establishing A Tool-Kit for White Transracially Adoptive Parents

Time is TBD


Online Event

Dr. Laura S. Anderson

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Establishing A Tool-Kit for White Transracially Adoptive Parents
Establishing A Tool-Kit for White Transracially Adoptive Parents

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Online Event

About the Event

Dr. Laura S. Anderson

Training Description

Issues of race and racism continue to impact the lives of system involved youth of color.   Many foster and adoptive placements are interracial with White parents raising children of color. If foster and adoptive parents are not considering racial identity development as a critical part of a youth’s needs while in care, then accidental harm can be done and youth in care can feel isolated, misunderstood and at greater risk for social emotional harm. This training is designed to examine the challenges involved in transracial foster and adoptive placements, and to help build awareness and skills for foster and adoptive parents. We will also discuss building resilience in youth placed transracially as well.  The training will provide concrete scripts and support strategies for those working with youth and families in transracial placements.

Learning Objectives

· Identify 3 distinct challenges that transracially placed youth experience as they integrate their child and adolescent identities while in the child welfare system.

· Identify 3 concrete strategies for helping White parents and caregivers understand that transracial foster and adoptive parenting often requires differing parenting and community strategies

· Acquire 3 different scripts to speak to children and teens of different ages about race, racism and resilience and 3 concrete resources to continue to support transracially placed youth and their caregivers.


10:00am-10:30am Introduction and statistics

10:30am-11:30am  Distinct challenges for transracially placed youth

· Racial identity development

· Challenges with visible foster placements and adoptions

· School and neighborhoods with different “safety” factors

· Caregivers not prepared to be mentors

11:30am-12:30pm  Supporting caregivers to do the work, ask for help and have hard conversations

· Talking to White people about race and racism

· Examples of stressors caregivers will be asked to handle

· Resources for parents

12:30pm-12:45pm  Break (CE hours will not be offered for this time)

12:45pm-1:45pm  Use current events and practice concrete scripts for caregivers to speak with youth of different ages

· Race in the news

· Turning Politics into opportunity for conversation

· Guidelines for age appropriate conversations about race

1:45pm-2:15pm  Summary and wrap up

Meet Our Trainer

Dr. Laura S. Anderson is a clinical child and family psychologist who is licensed in Hawaii and California, and she has worked with youth and families for over twenty years. Dr. Anderson is currently based primarily in Hawaii. Her areas of expertise include school-based behavioral health, assessment, support for adoptive families, support for gender expansive youth and their families, foster care consultation, and the provision of cross-culturally sensitive care. She is lucky to have had wonderful clinical mentors and enjoys teaching others things she has learned “in the trenches” of direct service to children, adolescents, families, schools, and various other agencies. Dr. Anderson enjoys working with kids, families, and systems as they overcome barriers, build on their strengths, and thrive.

This course meets the qualifications for (4) BBS CE hours for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs, and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences & is provided by Fred Finch Youth Center, CAMFT Provider #045295.

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